Monday, March 14, 2011

Spelling Out Life... with a Dream

nightmares, what do you do when you had one?

Sigh. This morning, as I was praying, I was reminded of a nightmare I once had, around end of last year, to be exact... I questioned what good will it bring to me? I got scared and cried, so what good will it possibly bring?

I dreamt about my city or was it a city not of my own, being hit by a tsunami. It was a city. Yes, tsunami. I dreamt that I was stuck in a traffic jam on a hill and I ended up coming out of the car because it's not moving. I recalled my friends were with me and we ran all the way to the top of the hill! It wasn't a great thing to experience. I really felt as if I was there. But the weird thing was, it happened twice and I ran towards a different hill. Have you seen this one particular movie where it was about this president got shot but the whole thing is witnessed from different perspectives? It was exactly alike. Somehow I saw this tsunami happening twice but at a different angle when I saw it the second time.

Sigh. Lord, Lord, help me with the dreams you have planted in me. I don't get why. I really wish You can teach me.

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