Sunday, March 27, 2011

Spelling Out Life... with Day 1 again

Humble yourself under the Mighty power of God
and at the right time, He will lift you up in honor.

Learning. Man, this is tough. I never knew I'd be as irritated as now. Irritated in the manner of myself. macam berhenti merokok only. LOL. Imagine you're used to one person and there u go, you shut them off. LORD, I'M SAD. It's a good thing that I'm feeling this way, to show how much I need to change in certain things = my characters in viewing things.

I'll make it through this. Amen.

words of wisdom are : wait. just wait.


i can. :)

Lord, i'm humbling. ahhahahaaahahah.

= still in childish mode.

cane me.

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