she saw two dresses and she had the instruction of wearing the blue dress,
to her surprise, she saw beautiful blue gems appearing before her! :)
she follows the blue gems trail in that cave that lead her to happiness.
when she wakes up from her nap,
she saw the possibilities of trusting the blue gems around her.
yet, when she fell asleep the second time,
she dreamt of the same cave again,
this time, the same instruction appeared, but she took the red dress.
She was hoping to see the blue gems to lead her out again,
but to her dismay, she was wrong.
the blue gems turned into burning red shiny spikes and she grew scared!
she followed it and it led her to destruction.
the angels at the end questioned her, "have I not asked you to listen? come now, wake up and learn."
She woke up startled.
and I realized I woke up too.
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