Monday, February 14, 2011

Spelling Out Life... with Day 27

Valentine's Day.

Today, I find it a little awkward to have my friends being a little less chatty when it comes to Valentine's Day.. Lol. They are against it so I shall not trigger anymore awkwardness in our lives. So I shall say, have a blessed day instead!

Today, I helped around PERKEB to pass out gifts to UKM students. :D Pretty tough initially when people thought that you are under ASPIRASI/random clubs/outsiders giving harm to them. LOL. But I had fun! :D

I had headache now though... 1, stupid monkeys are around. 2. Lightnings and thunder. T.T

So yea.

Desire for the day:
I pray that everyone had a great day today. I hoped we'll look back and reflect on how great is God towards you today! :) Hey, your presence in your class, workplace, home etc, is a great blessing to the people around you! :) Be glad and rejoice! :)

Jesus blesses you!
I hope you love.

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