Okay, i have this crazy dream of becoming a preacher, country leader and teacher since forever. gila kan? I remember I dreamt where I stand in front of a crowd and they say "go pastor!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH.. And how i dreamt about faces of different races smiling at me, each one looking up to me. YES. THAT'S REALLY WEIRD. A girl who lives to annoy, who changes her mind most of the time, a girl who is loud and super ambitious.
but in churc today, YB Hannah said
"I knew I was called to preached when I became His child. God will fulfill the dreams He put in your heart, so keep holding on. Here I am, preaching in schools, churches, marketplaces as a politician. So just keep your calling deep inside because it will come to pass. "
really crazy la kan, for dreaming for something big. heh.
BUT ofcoz, she said "obedience and faith are needed in the process. you just need to work with Him in order for His work to really come to pass"
then her husband, Pr Ram, prayed over the church and he said
"...... you will stand and overlook the cities and know that God place you there to make a change....."
of all the things he said, this spoke strongly in my heart. until now. hrmm.
k la. i'm rambling. die.
U SEE! a girl like me, who rambles over things, who is indecisive, APPARENTLY has this crazy dream. LOL. k la. bye. HAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHA
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