Friday, October 8, 2010

Spelling out Life... with Blessings

Before I forget why am I here for, I'd start thanking God who brought me here. :)

20 Things to be thankful for:

1. JAKSA position in college.

2. Car, which I used to have.

3. Roomie Esther, which I learn new things almost everyday, even without her noticing it.

4. Neighbours, namely the juniors. You guys are so adorable.

5. Debate juniors, for being able to dig out the potential in me.

6. Isabel, for being strong and jolly the whole time we meet.

7. Su-jian, Ren, Carol, Davin, David, Vivian, for being ultra forever kind to me.

8. The finance that God provides me with.

9. The love from my families and Cedric. they are awesome.

10. Friends like Dee, Greg, Liza, Sekkuan are really cool. :) How I miss them very much.

11. Ipod, laptop and phones that daddy-brother gave.

12. Church. Pr Daniel and the church family have been a blessing. :)

13. perfume that I bought last few weeks. :))

14. junior's achievements in Debate and public speakings.

15. the chances I have in training those juniors.

16. awesome classmates.

17. the new bag and SHOES I bought few weeks back. hahahaha. i love it la.

18. the awesome encouragements and laughters from PERKEB, CA, class and church members

19. the lessons learnt in teaching class. learnt A LOT.

20. this college. I learnt a whole loads of stuff throughout this whole year.

21. no harm to write another one huh? mostly, I thank Jesus for carrying me far. thank you Lord. :)

Have you counted your blessings yet?


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