Friday, February 26, 2010

Spelling Out Life... with Avatar [2009]

As I watched the movie today, (26th Feb), for the first time,
I find the movie really different. Aside from the typical sci-fi settings,
I find the lessons from the movie are mind-challenging...

To me, I learnt that we have to go back to the Creator just how He has made us...
Just like how the Omaticaya people always believed in Eywa, their living Spirit-
"All energy is borrowed and someday, you have to give it back."
Aside from that,
We are mere humans, having an empty heart, awaiting to be filled by something.
and sometimes, we tend to stop Holy Spirit to minister to us,
by just wanting to see Him personally, without believing His existence...
Yet, through the Omaticaya tribe,
Moat, the First Lady, said "We cannot teach someone whose cups are already full",
I figure it's true lor.. Often the times we tend to be so cautious of everything,
never wanting to stirred by Him and just be completely full of our fears
and full of
"what ifs He is not the true God? I'll be the next dumb guy who is following Christ".
How can Christ teach anyone whose cups are already full?
Same concept, doesn't it?

There's also a scene where Neytiri said
"Sky people can not learn, they do not see"
for quite a number of times, if you have noticed it la...
I couldn't get my mind off it!
I really believe that sometimes, many are too caught up with everything else
in the world! Many are clouded by the wealth of the situations,
many are shadowed with what they want and many can never stop...
and true enough, those who chooses the world over Him, can never see the Truth with his heart.

the fact that Jake Sully surrendered his humanly desire to learn the Omaticaya's ways
of life, changed his entire mindset...
He learnt to believe that growing closer to Eywa is worth-living,
(every new experiences he learnt, it was different from the previous world)
being connected to Eywa is life changing,
(through his desire to take care of the earth)
and being one with Eywa makes him a newborn of the Family.
(through the ceremony he was celebrated in)
He too, learnt that he actually belonged to that family at the end of the day...
and yea, everybody rejoiced.. :)

I personally believe that when we are surrendering ourselves to Christ,
indeed our minds are not the same of the world...
I myself, believe that growing close to Yahweh is worth-living,
being connected to Yahweh is life changing,
and being one with Yahweh makes me a newborn to the Christ's family addition,
when I accepted Him as my personal Lord and Saviour..
and yes, like Jake Sully, I too, learnt that this is the family I've always wanted to be with the whole time!
and yes, I believed the Bible when it says 'the whole heaven rejoiced over a sinner who comes to Him'

I've made my decision to let my old self go and follow Christ and accept Him as my Saviour,
it has been the toughest and craziest thing I've done in my entire life,
yet, it has been the most abundant trip I've ever experienced in my life ...
So, how bout you? Made your decisions yet?

1 comment:

Just write any thoughts you have in your heart! :) Thanks for dropping by ya? XOXO