Friday, January 7, 2011

Spelling Out Life... with Discipline

I know the Lord is teaching me discipline in the little things He is giving me since Christmas. It's been tough sometimes but I'm getting a hang of it currently.

The discipline to:
2. Have a silent period
3. Not swear internally often.
4. Give thanks to God daily
5. be patient in SO many things
6. come to class although I still have holiday moods
7. TAKE NOTES in class! Hahahaha
8. dress decently
9. fast and pray
10. eat in college more. LOLLLLLLLL

Oh man, I tell you, so hard to do all those at first but somehow by His grace, I can actually do all these without burden! Hah! Awesome right?

I'm still learning.

Amen. :)

1 comment:

Just write any thoughts you have in your heart! :) Thanks for dropping by ya? XOXO