Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Spelling out Life... with Inter-College English Debate 2010

Just as some of you had known,
my College's junior debaters had won the Inter-College English Debate 2010!
Thank You Lord! :)

*best part, our friends from KDO won 2nd!!! How cool was that?! I LOVE THE KDO PEOPLE! ahahaha*

Preparing them for a month or less than that was tiring, fun and slightly annoying! LOL. *we can't expect oh-so-fun-and-joy the whole time, can we?* From calling them to arranging rooms etc etc is a tiring job but HECK, IT WAS WORTH IT! They were awesome! :) Even if they didn't win anything, I'd still be proud of EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM! :) *hugs*

So yea, here's the photos of us and the KDO junior debaters!


It was a memorable time.
They are now my debate family.
and yes, they are awesome bunch of people
best remarks:
Do you want the kids to rape each another? -Alicia, KDO

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