Sunday, November 7, 2010

Spelling Out Life... with Family Love

today, i learnt one thing about family love through a conversation with a friend of mine.

sometimes, when your friend or stranger is close to your family, i think we shouldn't feel so bad about it. instead, give thanks to God for opening up a way in the heart for that friend of yours to have hope in the future (who knows he/she has a bad family background or has trust issues) or to even love again in the future, through the love that is shown by your family now. You'll not only have new family members, you have more stories to share and God will surely bless all that relationships formed! He always fill the children' cups until they overflow... so why don't you give some to those who are empty or half empty? :)

who knows, that's the only chance for them to feel something again. we just need to lend our home and know that God places that stranger there for growth purposes. We just need to give unconditional love and let God do the rest. Isn't that what Christian Love is all about? :)

In gratitude to the Lim family.
~ Uncle Lewis, Aunty Flora, Celine, Nicholas, Adeline ~

Note to the Lims:
If you guys weren't patient enough with me in 2006, I doubt that I'll find the word "family" in my life dictionary ever again. But I thank God that I was thick-face enough and you were brave enough to take me in. HAHAHA. I thank God for every moment that He has blessed me with through your family. :) I love all of you! XOXOXOXOXO! An XO for each members! hahaha

1 comment:

  1. hahahahhaha!

    an XO for each member :) oh Joy! like it alot when u're home, girl ;)


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