Friday, November 27, 2009

Spelling Out Life... with Christmas Presents

When people lists down their long list of wishes and dreams for Christmas,
I have not listed down mine.

This year, I only wish FOR certain things:

1. Spending more time with Grace
2. Get Britney Spears' latest perfume
3. New pair of jeans
5. Friends to call me on my phone to say "merry christmas!"

that's all.
Nothing fancy, just need fellowship and perfume. :D

Merry Christmas People.

again, Christmas is not about Santa!

Spilling out of Confirmation!


  1. then you should not use santa pic ma.. haha2 ( just a suggestion )

  2. hahahahhaahhhahhahahha.. its a cute pic! LOL


Just write any thoughts you have in your heart! :) Thanks for dropping by ya? XOXO