For God so love the world that He gave His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ,
that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but has eternal live.
John 3:16
Hrmm.. I don't know why I'm including that in this post but I have a feeling it will somehow relate to the ideas I'm about to speak of.
As I spent time to read the news for the first time in SO many weeks. Hahahaha, I think I found the perfect story to write on today, that is the allegation Anwar made on a company name APCO Worldwide.
For your reading pleasure, Click Here.
From my minute view, I think it's unfair to judge anyone from the Israel la, just because of the Zionist' works. The fact that many are Jews although they ARE NOT from Israel makes Anwar's poor judgement stumbles. By not cooperating with any links with the Jews will make our country crashes to its core. Just because of an uncivilized group aka Zionist, who started off the bad stuff, doesn't make the whole clan evil. Stop your childish thoughts la. If you hate the Israelites so much, be my guest, stop using all the american products, that includes in your BMW, MERCEDES, Apple product, Sony Vaio, HP pc, Nokia phones, Acer Products, Samsung products etc. If only you and your family stop using these American products your whole entire life, I'll be glad to not talk about this issues.
The fact that TITAS (Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia Tenggara), a subject in UKM, taught every students to speak of ZIONIST is very unfair as well. This subject is trying to project the thoughts of "hey, look at this, they are wrong. they are evil. they are meant to be secluded by everyone in the world.". LOOK AT YOURSELF first, I beg you. If God could give away Jesus to carry the your sin and my sin, why can't you give away your hatred to love these people? Why? Don't you claim that you ought to love one another and said to have all the 'brotherhood' love all along? Then, why is your love so bias that it cannot reach out to the Israelites? I'm sorry to say this, you are lacking of love, I assume. You are lacking something deep within. Wonder why.
To all Malaysians, if God place you in this country to serve, don't find faults in other ministries/countries/parties because He never put you here to speak of hurtful stuff about others. Instead, learn from their mistakes and improvise. :)
Serve with faithfulness, grow in love and strive for your best.
only then you see this country grows.
Play your part. :)
Amen to that, Joy! : ) and btw, this is my first time to your blog.