She becomes your doll when you want it to be
She becomes your life when you subtly feed it
She becomes less of her mind when she finally realized it too late.
She becomes less of her soul when she finally found her mind
She becomes less of her heart when she finally found her soul
She becomes less of nothingness when she finally found her heart left
She yearns to be what you want her to be,
yet it seems like she's retaliating.
She yearns to strive her inner beauty,
yet it is against time, when time is not yet there.
She yearns to build her self again,
yet it seems like she was never up all along.
She yearns to be independent and strong,
yet it seems like she was not meant to be.
She yearns to love herself and others,
yet it seems like she had no love to begin with.
Dear you,
She's retaliating because you want her to be your expectation.
She's retaliating because experiences will nurture her, not you.
She's retaliating because she wants herself back, not the image you want of her.
She's retaliating because she knows she is perfect, but not in your time.
She's retaliating because that love she had was scarred deep inside, not because she had none.
She is building herself now but you need to find yourself too,
because she sees that you are exactly her.